In the main dining hall at HMS Nelson Ward Room
West Wall Painting
"Trafalgar" - October 21st 1805. This painting is by Gerald Moira and shows that part of the battle during which Lord Nelson lost his life. On the left is Admiral Villeneuve's flagship "Bucentaure" surrendering to the "Conqueror". In the centre "Temeraire" supported by "Victory" is capturing the "Redoutable" and the "Fougueux".
North Wall (West) Painting
"The Glorious 1st June" 1794. This painting is by William Wyllie and shows Lord Howe in "Queen Charlotte" breaking the French line between "Montague" and "Jacobin" during the first sea battle of the war against the French. It was damaged during an air raid in WW2 and repaired by Wyllie's son Harold.
North Wall (East) Painting
"Copenhagen" - April 2nd 1801. Again, painted by William Wyllie. Lord Nelson in "Elephant" has engaged "Danneborg". Also shown are "Agamemnon", "Bellona" and "Russell"
East Wall (North) Painting
The engagement between "Chesapeake" and "Shannon" off Boston Harbour on June 1st 1813. Painted by Gerald Moira
East Wall (South) Painting
"The Azores Islands" - August 1591. Painted by Gerald Moira. This shows the futile attack on the Spanish fleet by Sir Richard Grenville in "Revenge". The battle lasted 15 hours and "Revenge" was eventually captured.