On the south wall of the Chancel.

Roll of Honour
See below
Further Information
HMS Penelope acquired a notable reputation during her spell in the Mediterranean. Between November 1941 and Easter 1942 she destroyed 4 Italian Cruisers and an entire Italian Convoy. She put in to Malta for repairs and was the object of some ferocious bombing by the Germans - some 200 bombers having targetted her. Somehow she slipped out of harbour and made it to Gibraltar on 10th April.
She was eventually torpedoed by German Submarine U410 on the 18th February 1944 and sank off Anzio.
The majority of the men who were lost have no other grave but the sea and therefore appear on one of the three Naval Memorials at Portsmouth, Plymouth or Chatham depending on where they signed on. There are however a number of others who are buried ashore, 11 in Naples, 1 in Anzio and 2 in Corsica.
See also: HMS Penelope Association
Ablett J.C. SHPWT 4 Adam W. STO 1 Aimes W. AB Aitchison G.R. STO 2 Allan D. Ord.Sea. Anderson A.S. PO Anderson J.T. Ldg. Cook Armitage J.D. Wireman Arnold J.J. SHPWT 4 Ashworth J. Ord.Sea. Ashworth P. STO 2 Atkinson D.J. Wireman Attridge J.F.M. SPO Aulton W.W. ERA 4 Barrass W.W. Ord.Sea. Beevers A. AB Belben G.D. D.S.O. D.S.C. A.M. Captain Bell E.E. Ord.Sea. Beresford J.E. STO 1 Bidwell F.R. Ord.Sea. Biss A.G. Mech 2 Blackburn I.A. Ord.Sea. Blann S.C. AB Borkett H.G. AB Boutell R.G. STWD Bracey C.G. AB Branford W. AB Brant J.A. STO 1 Bray A.H. Ord.Sea. Bridgen H.A. DSM CPO Cook Briscoe A. AB Bristow N.A.J.M. YEO Brook A.J. STO 2 Brown A. STO 2 Brown D.G. AB Brown E. STO 1 Brown-Greaves H.T. de B. AB Brownsdon S.J. Ord.Sea. Buckle C.E. Sup Asst Buckley R. Ldg Wtr Burbeck H.K. Ord.Sea. Burdett F. AB Burrell P.D. AB Butcher A.C. PO STWD Byron E. Ord.Sea. Bywater H.G. AB Caddy E.J. PO Cammis J.W. CPO Canham W.H. AB Carter G.B. Act Ldg Sea Carter J.W. Act Ldg Sea Carter M.G.B. Lieut (E) Cartledge D. STO 1 Chambers L.C. Gunner (T) Chapman E.W. Ldg STO Chapman E. Sup Asst Charlesworth E. AB Chilvers K. Ord.Sea. Clark R.R.W. AB Clark W.J. SPO Clarke F.J. SPO Claydon L. Mech 2 Cobb G.E.V. AB Cogger A.E. STO 1 Cole A.C. AB Collins R.K. AB Coltart C.R. Sub Lieut Cook C. STO 1 Cook S.C.W. Ord.Sea. Coombe C. AB Cooper A. Ldg Sea Cooper R.N. PO Cooper S.F. Ldg Cook Cott C.H. AB Cottrell T. STO 2 Coughlin D.W.H. COMMANDER (E) Coulter T.H.V. EA3 Coulthurst L. SPO Courts A. AB Cousins F.A. AB Covey W. STO 1 Cox J.H. CODER Cox R.F. AB Craig J. Ord.Sea. Cresswell T.J. aB Crispin H.T. LIEUT Cullen J.D. LDG.SEA. Culshaw J. SA Curl H.S. MAA Davenport A. AB Davies F. STO 1 Davies L. Ldg STO Davies L.G. STO 1 Davies T.J. STO 1 Deacon L.T. Ldg STWD Dickens B.H. AB Dickins F. AB Dickson J.T. SCHOOLMASTER Doran J.J. AB Doyle W.A. Ord.Sea. Draper E.E. Sub Lieut Drew R. Ord.Sea. Duckworth K. Ldg Sea East F. STO 1 Easterbrook G.E. Ldg STO Eaton A. STO 1 English P.H. Cook |
Ensor K. Ord.Sea. Evans G.I. AB Evans K. STO 2 Exelby W.T. Ord.Sea. Fairhurst N.F. Ord.Sea. Farmer J. AB Felgate P. AB Field C.G. STO 1 Finigan F.R. LIEUT Flude T.E. Ldg Tel Ford G.S. AB Fox G.H. AB Francis G.C. Ldg Sup Asst Fraser J. AB Freemantle H.F. STO 2 French R. PO Friar N.W. Act Ldg STO Friend G.A AB Frost W.H. Ldg STO Furness J. CH STO Fysh L.T. AB Gartry S. Ldg Cook Gibson J. STO 2 Giles W.T. STO 1 Glover I.C. DSM ERA3 Godfrey W.J. ERA4 Gomm J. Mech 2 Gordon J. AB Gordon W.H.R. STO 1 Gould T. AB Goulden A.V.J. CERA Grant S.A. AB Green K. Ldg Sea Greene W.S. AB Greenhalgh R.T. STO 1 Greenham R.F.J. Ord.Sea. Greenway A.E. AB Gregory H. Plumber 3 Grimshaw H. AB Groves O.A. Sig Hack F. Ldg STO Hall E.N. OA3 Hallett J. STO 1 Handley J.P. WRITER Harding E. AB Harman D.J. STO 1 Harpman K.R. ERA5 Harrold J.M. ERA4 Hartley J.L. Cook Harvey I. STO 1 Haskell F.I. Lag STO Heath E.R. STO 1 Heath J.W. AB Heather E.C. STO 2 Heddon H.R. AB Hender D.T. ERA4 Henwood R.W.C. Lag Sig Herbert P.G. PO Cook Herrick P. AB Hewitt J.A. Sub Lieut Higgins J. Elect Mech Hirst E. STO 1 Hoadley C.D. Sig Hodges D.J. AB Holman w.c. DSC WSHP Holmes H. AB Holness N. STO 1 Homer W.T. AB Hornby J.J. AB Houldsworth S.H. Ord.Sea. Humphreys C. STO 2 Hunter W.J. AB Hutchings A.W. SPO Irving J.D. ERA3 Jackson B.F. Surg Lt Commander Jago D.C.T. AB James F.H. STO 2 Janes A. Ord.Sea. Jenkins M. Ord.Sea. Jenkins R.J.M. CERA Johnson A.L. AB Johnson G.E. AB Jones D.L. Supply PO Jones G. Ch STO Jones J. CODER Jones K.C. EA3 Kelford W.D. Tel Kelly H. DSM CPO STO Kendall V. Ord.Sea. Keylock W.H. CPO Tel Kidd J. Tel Kinder S. AB Kirtley R.W. SPO Kitchen H.H. SBA Knight D.R. AB Knight H. SPO Lamb P. STO 1 Lamb S.M. AB Latham T.R. Ord.Sea. Law J.W. Ord.Sea. Lawrence E.R. CODER Leach A. Ldg Sig Lear R.E. Ord.Sea. Lee M.A. PAY SUB LIEUT Leigh J.W. STO 1 |
Llewellyn H.C. SURGEON LIEUT Lloyd J. Ldg Radio Mech Lock N.J. PAY LIEUT Loxam H.P. AB Lucas M. STO 1 Lyons F.W. AB MacDonald A.S. AB MacGregor T.W. STO 1 MacKinnon R. AB McAvoy J. STO 2 McClarnon E. Ord.Sea. McLachlan R.A. STO 1 McNally A.E. SPO McNeil A. Act Ldg Sea Manning W.A. AB Mantell J.A. Ldg STO Marrian P.L. LIEUT Marsh H.W. STO 1 Marsh L.H. STO 2 Martin J.C. AB Mellor H. AB Merricks G. Ldg Cook Middleham C. Ldg Cook Miles G.V. AB Mills R. STWD Mingay D. AB Minto G.H. AB Mitchell R. TEL Moore A. AB Mordey M.M. STO 2 Morton R.R. Tel Munby P.L. CHAPLAIN Naylor H. Wireman Needham D.A. Wireman Nevitt F.H. STO 1 New R.J. STO 2 Newall V. EA3 Nicholls L. AB Nicklinson T.R. AB Nixon M.T. Wireman O'Hagan J.M. Sig O'Neill J.S. AB Openshaw P.G. LIEUT (E) Oram R. AB Orrick T.I. AB Orton S.D SBA Packman J.A. MECH 1 Palethorpe J.W. Sig Parker W.W. ERA4 Parkes L.T.N. SPO Parratt C.A. PO Perry F.H. AB Phillips D.D. STO 2 Pickering J.W. Ldg STO Pinnock H. ERA4 Pinyon F.C. AB Piper R.E. AB Plane A.A. AB Porter L.G. WARR. ENG Potter D.A. STO 2 Potter W.J. Sig Price W.J. STO 1 Pumford S. AB Pym W.H. STO 2 Pyne N. STO 2 Quartermaine F. CODER Quinn R.A. AB Rainey J. AB Rathbone J.P. DSC LIEUT Rattigan J. STO 1 Ray G. AB Raymond A.J. Ldg Sea Reader J. SPO Reed C.J. Ord.Sea. Reed D.G. Ord.Sea. Renew G.M. STO 2 Renouf J. PO Reynolds E. CODER Rhoads R.W.F. AB Rice J. ERA2 Richardson A.C. AB Richardson F. STO 1 Richardson S.A. EA1 Robertson R.McI. PAY LIEUT Robinson E.W.J. AB Rodgers S. AB Rogers J.W. AB Rosam A.C. SPO Rouse C.F. Ldg Sea Rowland W. AB Rowsell S.F. AB Russell A.J. Ldg STO Sanderson F. Ord.Sea. Saunders R.T. ERA4 Scobie J.C. AB Shepherd H.B. PO Tel Shepperd L. Act Ldg Sea Shipley E.J. STO 1 Simcox J. AB Simmonds J.J. STO 1 Skene G. STO 1 Skinner P.G. STO 1 Skinner S.A. LIEUT Smith A.E. Act PO |
Smith J. AB Smith J.W.J. SCPO Smith R.J. AB Smith W.A.B. CERA Smith W.S. AB Smith W.W. SPO Spooner R.H.L. Sup PO Sproul J. Ord.Sea. Stacey F.W. DSM CEA Stephens G.J. AB Stillman P.H.G. AB Stone G. AB Stubbings R. AB Stubbs H. ERA4 Sunderland G. STO 1 Surr M. AB Sutton A.E. Act Ldg Sea Talkington F. CH YEOMAN Tasker J.S. STO 1 Tate W. SPO Taylor C.J. AB Taylor G.G. STO 1 Taylor H.J. PO Taylor J.H. AB Taylor R.A. PO Taylor S.J. AB Thompson L.V. Ldg STO Tickridge A.C. AB Tilbury D.G.J. SPO Tinsley W. STO 1 Tizzard W.R. AB Townsend R.J. Ord.Sea. Trent A.C. CH MECH Trevett C. SPO Trill R. STO 1 Tulk L.A. LIEUT Turrell L. TEL Vaile F.R. WARR MECH Valentine H. Ord.Sea. Vautier F.J. SPO Villers R.H. AB Wadham H.F. Ldg STO Waldegrave J.M.G. DSC COMMANDER Wale H.T. Ldg STO Wales C.W. Ldg Cook Wallis W.I. STO 1 Walshe P.G. AB Watkins J. CH STO Watson G. AB Watson J. ERA4 Webber S.H. STWD Wenman H.A. TEL West E.H.G. AB Wheatley A.N. AB Whelan J. STO 2 White C.F. TEL White C.F.O. SBCPO White W. AB Whiteley G.T. AB Whooley M.C. SPO Wildin H.R. SBA Wilkins W. aB Willcox L. AB Willett S.A. Ldg Sea Willmer J.A.D. AB Wills S. PO TEL Wilson G. STO 1 Wood F. AB Worley J. DSM COA Wyatt J.F. STO 1 ROYAL MARINES Bailey T. Marine Blandford L.W. Musician Brindley G.A. Marine Brown A.F. Marine Cairns F. Marine Chant C.A. Marine Clewer J.T. Corp Dutton S. Marine Guest C.W. Marine Horton J.V. Marine Huddleston A.V. Marine Hurst K.W. Marine Jones J. Marine Kelly T.B. Marine Langford C.J. Bandmaster Lockyer C.J. Marine Male L.N. Corp Nicholson W. Musician Pendered G.S.C. Marine Pickett H.E. Musician Robinson B.W.P. Serg Rock R.H. Marine Sayers S. Marine Seddon A.E. Marine Woodhouse J. Marine Wylie P. Marine N.A.A.F.I. Barnes C.H.C. Canteen Mgr. Greenfield B. Asst Turner R.S. Manager |
MAY 1940 NORWAY Hounson H. Ldg.Sea. Hunt J.P. AB Newman F.C. Ldg.Stwd. Sharp W.P. Commander Wintle W.A. AB |
APRIL 1942 MEDITERRANEAN Gunn H.J.S. AB Eager F.C. AB Miller J.S. DSC Lieutenant Tancock S.I. AB ROYAL MARINES Soames D.J. Marine |
OCTOBER 1943 MEDITERRANEAN Avery W.E. Gunner Bloye V.E. AB Hill D. AB Jackman A.R. AB Knight H. Ch. STO Larby A.D.T. Ldg.Sea. |
Long H.E. CPO Cook Metcalfe A.W. AB Middleton J.J. STO1 Pike L. AB Purdue A.E. AB Waller H.T. Schoolmaster |
Further Information
This memorial was unveiled in 2008. It replaced an earlier version that contained a large number of errors. It is a shame therefore that the new plaque also contains at least one error - Jenkins RJM CERA should be spelt Jenkyn RJM CERA according to information received from his son Adrian Jenkyn.