On the South wall of the church.

La Combattante

La Combattante

This tablet erected by their shipmates is
dedicated to the proud memory of the
67 Officers and Men who lost their lives
when the Free French Ship "La Combattante"
a "hunt class" destroyer of the 1st Destroyer
Flotilla (1942 - 1945) was sunk in the North
Sea during the night of 23rd February
This tablet erected by their shipmates is
dedicated to the proud memory of the
67 Officers and Men who lost their lives
when the Free French Ship "La Combattante"
a "hunt class" destroyer of the 1st Destroyer
Flotilla (1942 - 1945) was sunk in the North
Sea during the night of 23rd February
Further Information
The plaque also has a translation of the inscription in French.
A memorial, which lists the names of the men who died on La Combattante, stands on the waterfront at Courseulles-sur-Mer, Normandy. Included amongst the names are two members of the Royal Navy, PO Radar Smith N and Signalman TO Cleverley FC. The rest are all Free French.
See http://www.normandie44lamemoire.com/version%20anglaise/fiches%20villes%20US/courseullesus2.html for a photo of the memorial at Courseulles-sur-Mer, and
http://grieme.org/comb.htm for information about a dive on La Combattante.