The plaque is on the third pew from the west end on the north side of the chancel aisle.

Further Information
There are two references to Old Rugbeians who died during the Crimean War/Indian Mutiny in the church, but the only record of their names is in the 1873 Guide to the Church. How the author came by them is unknown - the entries are extensively biographic but do not always correspond with other available records. Recorded below are the entries from the 1873 Guide in dark blue and any further information in a grey font. Much of the additional information is sourced from the Officers Died site.
SIR HENRY WILLIAM ADAMS K.C.B., 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division (49th Foot) - died at Scutari of wounds received at the battle of Inkerman - 19th December 1854.
See separate pew plaque for General Adams
THOMAS UNETT, was Lieut-Colonel of the 19th Regiment at the battle of Alma, September the 20th, 1854. His horse was severely wounded. At the battle of Inkerman, employed in the trenches and honourably mentioned. Mortally wounded while leading the assault of the Redan, September 8th 1855, died of wounds, September 15th.
DOUGLAS JOHN THOMAS HALKETT, Major 4th Light Dragoons, killed in the Balaklava Charge, October 25th 1854. In the retreat after the Charge he was seen to fall wounded, but the pursuing Russians soon swept over the spot and nothing more is known.
ROBERT MURRAY BANNER, Major 93rd Highlanders Regiment, present at the battle of Alma; died, 6th October, 1854, at Balaklava, a few days after the battle, of disease aggravated by constant exposure to damp and cold.
SAMUEL TOOSEY WILLIAMS, Captain, Scots Greys, was at the battle of Balaklava on the morning of the 25th October, 1854. The Russian Cavalry advanced against the Scots Greys and Enniskillens in the proportion of three to one. The Scots Greys dashed forward, and were received into the midst of the enemy, who closed in upon them. For several minutes the redcoats disappeared, but soon were seen driving before them in headlong flight, the routed Russsian Cavalry. Captain Williams escaped unhurt, but was taken ill shortly afterwards and died at Pera, November 23rd, 1854.
JOHN PLATT WINTER, Captain of the 17th Lancers. On the flank march to Balaklava, his troop were ordered to charge the Russian rearguard, at Mackenzie's Farm, where they took several prisoners and a quantity of baggage. On 25th October 1854, in the heroic charge of the Light Cavalry at Balaklava, he led the second squadron of his regiment and was seen to fall close to the enemy's guns just as the retreat was sounded. His horse, severely wounded by grapeshot, galloped back to the English Lines.
ARTHUR WATKIN WILLIAMS-WYNN, son of the Right Hon. Sir H. Watkin Williams-Wynn, Captain of the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, killed at the battle of Alma, 20th September 1854.
WILLIAM HALSTEAD POOLE, Captain 23rd Welsh Fusiliers was at the battle of the Alma, and Inkerman. He was mortally wounded at the storming of the Redan, September 8th 1855 and died on the 24th September.
GEORGE CHARLES WIDDRINGTON CURTOIS, Lieutenant 63rd Regiment, was killed at the battle of Inkerman on 5th November 1854. He was the eldest son of the late Rev. Dr. Curtois, Chaplain to the Forces, and grandson of the late Lieut.-Gen. Sir David Latimer Tinling Widdrington, K.C.H.
EDMUND CORBETT, Captain 88th Regiment. On the 17th (sic) June, 1855, while gallantly attacking the quarries, received a ball through the head. His last words were "Come on men". (The assault actually took place on 7th June)
LAWRENCE BLAKISTON, Captain 62nd Regiment, was engaged before Sebastopol from the latter end of 1854. He was killed at the attack on the Redan on September the 8th, 1855 while in the act of passing through an embrasure of the parapet.
JOHN GEORGE DON MARSHALL, Captain 92nd Highlanders, served in the Burmese War of 1852-3, including the storming and capture of Rangoon, Bassein and other minor affairs; also in the Crimea at the seige of Sebastopol.
JAMES WEMYSS, Lieutenant 92nd Highlanders, was at the battle of the Alma, and at Balaklava, October 25th, where the Regiment, two deep, repulsed a large body of Russian Cavalry. Died on the 15th June, 1855 of Crimean fever. (The Redcoat site has Lt Wemyss in the 93rd Highlanders and the date of death as 13 June 1855).
JOHN HENRY THOMPSON, Lieutenant 17th Lancers, was killed by a round shot while taking part with his Regiment in the heroic Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava, 25th October, 1854.
CHARLES HOWE PROBY, Lieutenant First Royals, died at Malta, September 10th, 1855, from an illness brought on by exposure in the trenches before Sebastopol.
REGINALD CYRIL GOODENOUGH, Lieutenant 97th Regiment, was mortally wounded at the storming of the Redan, September the 8th, 1855, and died September 20th.
CHARLES AUGUSTUS PENRHYN BOILEAU, Lieutenant Rifle Brigade, died at Malta 1855, of wounds received before Sebastopol. His gallantry had been especially commended by Lord Raglan. His date of death is recorded as August 1st.This Officer is also recorded in the 1873 Guide as an Old Etonian
ARCHIBALD CLEVELAND, Cornet 17th Lancers, was at the battle of the Alma, charged the rearguard of the Russians, and took several prisoners; shared in the glorious charge of the Light Cavalry at the battle of Balaklava, where his horse was mortally wounded. At the battle of Inkerman he was struck by a shell and died of his wound on the following morning, 6th November 1854.
WILLIAM OWEN, 23rd Welsh Fusiliers, was mortally wounded before Sebastopol by a shell on the night of 29th June 1855, Lieutenant. Son of Sir John Owen, of Taynton House, Gloucestershire. First Brigade, Light Division cemetery - "Sacred to the memory of Lieut. William Owen 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers who was killed in the trenches on the 30th June/55 Aged 22 years. Erected by his brother officers."
HENRY WINCHCOMBE HARTLEY, Lieut-Colonel of the 8th Regiment, served at the siege of Delhi, 1857, and was afterwards Brigadier at Umballah. Died at Jullunder, June 24th 1858.
GEORGE BIDDULPH, Lieut-Colonel 45th Native Infantry, served during the campaign on the Sutlej and with the army of the Punjaub; was present in 1848 at Chillian Wallah, Goojerat, Sadoolapore and passage of the Chenab....... At the seige of Lucknow, November 18th 1857, he had to take the command of a division, when Brigadier Russell was wounded, and as he was explaining plans, and organising a column to storm the hospital, a bullet, after passing through another officers hat, struck him dead, passing through his brain. The Redcoat site records the date of death as 16th November 1857 and that he was aged 46 and was the son of Rev. John and Sophia Biddulph, of Frankton, Warwickshire.
THOMAS ONSLOW WINNINGTON INGRAM, Lieut-Colonel of the 97th Regiment, received the Order of the Legion of Honour, medal and clasp, and Turkish medal for highly distinguished service before Sebastopol; employed in 1857 in suppressing the Sepoy Mutiny. On the 14th March, was killed in the Kaiserbagh in Lucknow, a ball passing through his head. The Redcoat site records the year as 1858.
CHARLES WILBRAHAM RADCLIFFE, Captain 7th Regiment Bengal Light Cavalry, served during the campaign on the Sutlej, present at Sobraon (medal); was constantly engaged during the seige of Lucknow. While commanding a detachment of 600 men at Chinhut, to oppose 16,000 mutinous Sepoys, he was mortally wounded on the night of 24th September, at Lucknow and died October 1st 1857, shortly before the relief by Lord Clyde. Had he lived he would have been recommended for the Victoria Cross, by Sir James Outram, for his gallant conduct at Chinhut (?).
GEORGE SNELL, 64th Native Infantry, Bengal, murdered with his wife and child during the mutiny at Seetapoor, Oude. June 3rd 1857. Aged 36. Son of Rev. Thomas Snell, of Surrey. Joined the Bengal Army in 1844. Husband of Helen Davies. (she died with their 2 year old daughter in the massacre.) - Tablet in St. Mary Magdalene's Church, Lahore Cantonment - "To the memory of Helen Johnson Snell aged 24 years, youngest daughter of the late S. Davies, MD of the HEICS who, with her husband Lieut. George Snell B.A., of the late 64th Bengal NI, aged 36 years, and their only child Georgina Helen, aged 2 years, fell a victim to the sepoy mutiny at Seetapore, in Oude, on the 3rd June 1857. this monument is erected by her brothers and sisters, to record their love and sorrow."
WHALEY NICOLL HARDY, Royal Artillery, served at the seige of Sebastopol, 1855, was killed at Secunderabagh near Lucknow, on November 16th 1857. The Redcoat site has the date of death recorded as 18th November 1857.
WILLIAM STEPHEN RAIKES HODSON, Brevet-Major of the First European Bengal Fusiliers, and Commander of Hodson's Horse.............On the 11th March 1858, at Lucknow, after the Begum's palace had been stormed, he received a mortal wound, of which he died the next day. Had he lived he would have received the Victoria Cross (?).
CHARLES AYSHFORD SANDFORD, Brevet-Major, was engaged in the suppression of the Bengal Mutiny, 1857; he obtained the command of the Guide Cavalry at the seige of Delhi, and took part in every action of importance, and was repeatedly mentioned in despatches as an excellent officer. On the advance to Lucknow he was appointed to the 5th Punjab Cavalry, and while reconnoitering a village, on the 10th March 1858, was killed by some men concealed in a tower. Aged 28. Son of Edward Sanford and Henrietta, of Somerset. Joined the Bengal Army in 1850.
ARTHUR AUSTEN MOULTRIE, Lieutenant H.M. 90th Regiment, was mortally wounded at Lucknow, September 25th 1857, whilst gallantly charging a battery of the mutinous Sepoys. Died the next day.
WILLIAM TATE GROOM, Lieutenant First Madras European Fusiliers, was engaged with his regiment under General Havelock, July 29th 1857, when the guns of the mutineers were taken and they were put to flight; present the next day at Bussret Gunge, when the enemy were driven out and guns again seized; also at Boorseeke Chowhi on the 11th of August. On 1st October he led the advance on Phillip's Battery, near Lucknow, was wounded October 9th and died at Lucknow, October 21st, 1857.
ALEXANDER KEY, Lieutenant, 28th Native Infantry, was murdered with seven other officers of his Regiment by the Mutineers, between Mahomdie and Aurungabad, June 5th 1857.
CHARLES JAMES SALMOND, Adjutant, 2nd Cavalry Gwalior Contingent, during the Sepoy mutiny of 1856-7 was constantly engaged under Sir Hope Grant and took part in all the proceedings for the relief and withdrawal of the Garrison of Lucknow; was wounded and mentioned by Lord Clyde as having greatly distinguished himself. After the action of the 6th December, 1857, he was unable through illness to join in the pursuit of the rebels and was shortly afterwards found killed near Cawnpore. The Redcoat site has the date of death as 6th December and the regiment as 7th Bengal Light Cavalry
PATRICK ALDOURIE GRANT, Lieutenant 7th Bengal Native Infantry, was murdered by the mutineers at the cantonment, Lucknow, when the first rebellion broke out, 30th May 1857.
THOMAS GEORGE POULDEN, Lieutenant, Royal Artillery. While engaged in the suppression of the Sepoy mutiny, received sunstroke and died at Tasseram on the 3rd May 1858.
LEONARD REDMAYNE, Lieutenant, 14th Light Dragoons, was present at the capture of Dhai, Central India, October 1857, and was killed in action with the rebels, November 23rd 1857.
EDWIN FELL HAIG, Lieutenant and Adjutant 5th Fusiliers was killed in action in the City of Lucknow, while effecting the relief of the Garrison, Septmeber 26th, 1857.
PHILIP LOVELL COLLIER PHILLIPS, Lieutenant 4th Battalion Rifles on his voyage to Bengal to put down the Sepoy mutineers, stemmed and quelled a serious mutiny on board ship. On 9th August 1858, the ship unfortunately grounded in the river, and exposure to cold and wet brought on illness of which he died August 22nd, 1858.
EDWIN STEPHEN SALE, Ensign, 37th Regiment, was killed July 30th, 1857, in the unfortunate night expedition to relieve Arrah.