The plaque is on the back of one of the choristers stalls in the chancel.
North side, back row, eleventh from the west end.

G.C.B. DIED MAY 11 1863
Further Information
Lt-Gen Outram went to India as a cadet in 1819, and was made lieutenant and adjutant of the 23rd Bombay Native Infantry. From 1835 to 1838 he was engaged in re-establishing order in the Matie Kanta. He went under Lord Keane to Afghanistan as aide-de-camp and his ride from Khelat through the dangers of the Bolan Pass will long be famous in Indian annals. He became political agent at Guzerat and commissioner at Scinde. He was after wards resident at Sattara and Baroda, and on the annexation of Oude, was made resident and commissioner by Lord Dalhonsie. He was also commissioner with diplomatic powers during the Persian War. Landing at Bombay in July 1857, he went to Calcutta and was placed by Lord Canning in charge of the forces for the relief of Lucknow. His career during the mutiny was of the noblest kind, and upon him greatly depended the success of our arms. For his eminent services, he was made Lieutenant-General in 1858, and received the thanks of Parliament in 1860. He took his seat as a member of the Supreme Council of India, but his failing health compelled him very soon after to resign and return to England. A statue was voted to him in Calcutta and noble gifts bestowed upon him. In England his numerous admirers erected a statue to his honour in London, and presented him with a valuable dessert service. He spent the winter of 1861/62 in Egypt, and after a short residence in the South of France, died in Paris, March 11th 1863. His services in the East as a soldier and diplomatist extended over a period of forty years and never did here set a brighter example of moderation, humanity and practical Christianity in all his dealings with the nativesof India.
[From the 1873 Guide to the Church]