The plaque is on the back of one of the choristers stalls in the chancel.
South side, back row, tenth from the west end.

Drawing by Lt. Martin

Major-General D'Aguilar (Britain) Taking
Possession of the Annunhoy Batteries,
Bocca Tigris, 1847
21 1855 AGE 71.
Further Information (From the 1873 Guide to the Church)
Major (sic) General D'Aguilar served eight years in India during the wars of Scindia and Holkar, and was present at the seige and storm of Baroach in Guzerat, in August 1803; at the reduction of Powendhar in Malwa in 1804; the capture and occupation of Orgein, the capital of Scindia, in 1805; also at the several assaults upon the fortress of Bhurtpore in 1806, in the last of which he was wounded. Served subsequently in Walcheren at the seige of Flushing. Also in Sicily, the Greek Islands and the coast of Spain, where he was present in 1813 at the action of Biar, and defeat of Marshall Suchet at Castalla. Joined the army in the Netherlands under the Duke of Wellington in 1815 and was present at the capture of Paris.
The Major General served twenty-six years on the general staff of which eight were as Assistant Adjutant-General (principally under the Duke of York) and twelve as Adjutant-General of the army in Ireland.
He commanded the expedition which in 1817 assaulted and took the forts of the Bocca Tigris in the Canton river, those of the staked barrier and those of the city of Canton, spiking 879 pieces of heavy ordnance.
See Also