At the Royal Army Chaplains Department Museum

Memorial Box

in memory of the Rt. Hon.
William Cornwallis, Admiral of the White, etc. etc.
DD Theresa John Cornwallis West A.D. 1874
Inscription (Box Lid)
These holy vessels are dedicated to the glory of God
and in memory of
the Rt. Honble William Cornwallis G.C.B.
Admiral of the White, Commander of the Fleet in 1805
Vice Admiral of England
youngest brother of Charles, Marquis Cornwallis
Governor-General of India in 1780
DD His loving and grateful god-daughter
Theresa John Cornwallis West
CHALICE, Silver - The bowl is conical with a wire band below its lip and rests in a calix. The engraved hexagonal stem has plain ribs at its angles, and a knop chased with leafage, the facets of which are set with carbuncles, its lower section is surrounded by an arcade of Gothic work rising from a battlemented base. The hexagonal foot has points between each section and is engraved with a representation of the Crucifixion, the sacred monogram etc. Height 9¾ ins. Weight 20 ozs 2 dwts.
FLAGON, Silver - This is jug-shaped with spout, has double wire bands and a flat wire handle with Gothic terminals; the foot is six lobed and the cover is crown-shaped. The body and foot are engraved with ornamental scrolls etc. Height 7¾ ins.
PATEN, Silver - Plain, with mounted wire at edge of rim and sixfoil depression, the spandrils of which are filled by the usual radiating leafage, on it is engraved a demi-figure of our Lord holding the orb in one hand whilst the other is raised in blessing. Diameter 6½ ins. weight 7ozs 2 dwts.
PATEN, Silver - This is the same design as above, but has a six lobed foot. Diameter 6½ins. Weight 7ozs 12dwts.
Marks on all the above, London Assay for 1873 and SS for the maker.
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