The plaque is on the back of one of the choristers stalls in the chancel.
North side, back row, fourth from the west end.

BORN FEB 24 1788
DIED APRIL 7 1869.
Further Information
Admiral Chads entered the Royal Naval Academy at 12 years of age, and in 1803 embarked aboard the Excellent, 74, and shared in the defence of Gaeta and the capture of Capri; promoted 5th November 1806 and employed in the Illustrious, 74. In July, 1808, joined the Iphigenia, 36 guns, and was actively engaged in attacking the Isle Bourbon, and particularly distinguished himself at the capture of l'Isle de la Passe leading the storming party. On the recapture of Bourbon by an overwhelming French squadron, Lieut. Chads was made prisoner, but relieved from a wretched captivity on the subsequent reduction of the Mauritius, and re-appointed first of the Iphigenia.
In August 1812, as senior Lieutenant of Java, 46 guns, miserably manned, fought the renowned action with the powerful and ably equipped American ship, Constitution, 56 guns, and 485 veterans. Captain Lambert having been mortally wounded, Lieut. Chads (himself severely wounded)gallantly continued the struggle, until compelled to strike to his giant antagonist after a contest of three hours and forty minutes, the Java having become a sinking hulk. This action secured promotion and the command of the Columbia, sloop of war. Commander Chads afterwards distinguished himself at Guadaloupe in 1815.
In 1823, he joined the expedition against Rangoon, and there his exertions were so conspicuous and effectual that he was advanced to Post rank, created C.B. and received the thanks of the supreme Government of India, and high commendation of the House of Commons at home.
Captain Chads was next engaged in forcing the passage of the Bocca Tigris, September 1834, commanding the Andromarche from 1834 to 1837. In 1841 he again proceeded to China in command of the Cambrian, returning home in 1845, and from August that year till he attained flag rank in 1854, was Captain of the Excellent, gunnery ship, and Superintendent of the Royal Naval College. In 1846 he was awarded the Captain's good service pension. Captain Chads reformed the whole system of gunnery, both as regards weight of metal and rapidity of fire. In the war with Russia, Rear Admiral Chads hoisted his Flag on board the Edinburgh, and distinguished himself at the capture of Bomarsund. He struck his flag in 1855, and as a reward for his services was created a K.C.B. From 1856 to the end of 1858 he held the command-in-chief in Ireland, and in 1865 was created G.C.B. and received the Admiral's good service pension. Sir Henry Ducie Chads, as sailor, citizen, friend and father was honoured and beloved by all who knew him.
[From the 1873 Guide to the Church]
For an account of the capture of Mauritius see
There is a memorial to Admiral Chads daughter Caroline in St Judes Church.
See also