In the middle of the North Ambulatory (see Cathedral Plan).

This memorial to the men and women of Portsmouth who gave their lives during World War 2 is in two parts. On the right, under glass, there is a Book of Remembrance listing the names of those who died, whilst on the left those same names are accessed via a computer terminal. The touch-sensitive screen allows visitors to select names from a variety of categories including ship and regiment.
The memorial has been placed here courtesy of Portsmouth City Council who are co-ordinating the efforts of a number of local people to properly recognise the sacrifice of people from Portsmouth during WW2. Until this memorial was erected there was no single reference to these people's names within the City of Portsmouth - even the Cenotaph in Guildhall Square has only a single sentence relating to World War 2.
All concerned with the future erection of a proper memorial recognise that no complete list of names exists. Although the list here is based on records of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission it does not cover all the names, often because the place of birth is not recorded. In an attempt to ensure that all names are recorded the City Council has invited anyone who believes a name has been omitted, to register the fact with them via forms available at this memorial. The current list can also be seen on the City Council Website.