On a column at the east end of the Navy Aisle (see Cathedral Plan).
The inscription is written on paper, placed in a glass fronted frame.
The fragment is in a separate glass fronted box beneath.

Lord Nelson's Flag
Fragment of the Ensign flown by
HMS Victory at Trafalgar.
At Lord Nelson's funeral in 1806 the colours of the Victory were carried in the procession by a party of seamen from the ship. After the ceremony the Admiral's flag and the Jack were made up by the sailors and handed to the Garter King of Arms who deposited them with due formality in the grave. The Ensign however, owing to it's great size and battle-torn condition, presented considerable difficulty, and before it could be handed over to be placed with the others, the sailors, moved by a common impulse, tore it into shreds, keeping the pieces as mementoes.
Subsequently these fragments were sold for large sums and became treasured heirlooms in many families. A large piece was acquired by the Lord Mayor of London. The small piece here shown was formerly in the possession of Frederick Thomas Durell Durell of this City and is placed here to his memory by his son.
The frame is of Oak from HMS Victory.
Fragment of the Ensign flown by
HMS Victory at Trafalgar.
At Lord Nelson's funeral in 1806 the colours of the Victory were carried in the procession by a party of seamen from the ship. After the ceremony the Admiral's flag and the Jack were made up by the sailors and handed to the Garter King of Arms who deposited them with due formality in the grave. The Ensign however, owing to it's great size and battle-torn condition, presented considerable difficulty, and before it could be handed over to be placed with the others, the sailors, moved by a common impulse, tore it into shreds, keeping the pieces as mementoes.
Subsequently these fragments were sold for large sums and became treasured heirlooms in many families. A large piece was acquired by the Lord Mayor of London. The small piece here shown was formerly in the possession of Frederick Thomas Durell Durell of this City and is placed here to his memory by his son.
The frame is of Oak from HMS Victory.