The Project
In November 2006 Tom Morton, Appeal Director at the Cathedral asked me to help verify the names on the Memorial Cross which stood on the south side of the Cathedral. The Cathedral authorities had proposed that the memorial be restored in time for the 90th anniversary of the end of the Great War but as it was so badly eroded in places they had not been able to identify all the names. If the restoration was to do justice to those named on the memorial they all had to be identified. I accepted the challenge and immediately called in my fellow researcher Cynthia Sherwood who carried out much of the detailed research that follows.
A Preliminary Examination

The memorial was already familiar to me in that I had recorded as much of the inscription as I could in 2002 for inclusion on this site. At that time I could identify with some certainty about 80% of the names which seemed to number 84 in total. Returning five years later it was apparent that the stonework had deteriorated even further. What I also noticed this time round was that the plaques facing the cathedral had eroded far more than those on the side facing the road (see photo of Plaque No. 1). Intuitively I would have expected the opposite, but this supposition took no account of the original positioning of the memorial. In 1920 the western extension to the cathedral did not exist and this would have left the memorial exposed to the prevailing south-westerly winds. Portsmouth City Record Office have a map of Old Portsmouth from the 1933 which confirms this.
The Missing Names
At the same time I was thinking about the history of the Cross I was determining the actual names written on the plaques. In this I was fortunate in that the names from the less eroded side could all be read with ease and these I had listed on this site. I was even more fortunate in that Tom Morton gave me a list of names as published in the Parish Magazine in 1919 and as luck would have it, the magazine list failed to mention many of the names on the less eroded side but did mention all of those now virtually illegible. Between the two lists I could compile a complete register of the names. But there was another problem.
Two of the legible names did not appear on the magazine list and two on the magazine list which were shown to be eminently suitable for inclusion were missing, and what's more the two pairs occupied the same part of the alphabet. This suggests that at some point in time a decision had been made to replace the plaques. It would seem however that the first plaque (Adams - Brown) was so badly degraded that two of the names could not be determined by visual examination and an attempt was made to suggest which names they were by, perhaps, consulting the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Unfortunately the two names that were chosen were not the original names, though alphabetically they were very close - AJ Bevis was replaced by AJ Bates and V Barry was replaced by H Bain.

The fact that the plaques were recut was proved conclusively when, in the middle of September 2007, plaque number 4 (Kitchingham - Moore) was displaced, either as a result of weathering or by design, to reveal the original plaque underneath with the same names carved into it (see photo). The original names are quite clear, which is surprising given that the prevailing winds should have eroded this plaque more than the plaques facing the High Street. Intriguingly there now exists the possibility that plaque number 1 could be removed to see exactly what the original looked like and whether the names were decipherable. The replacement plaque is now in the Cathedral archive.
The two extra names would present the cathedral authorities with an interesting dilemma. For them to be included together with the original names the layout of at least one plaque would have to be changed. It could be argued that the original 83 names (I had by now determined that one name was double barrelled and took up two lines) should be on the restored memorial but this would be somewhat unfair to AJ Bates whom it was shown is undoubtedly a Portsmouth man (he is buried in Milton Cemetery). The case for including H.Bain is less clear as we have been quite unable to determine who he was or even if we can rely on the accuracy of the name itself. At the time of writing no decision had been made.
Researching the Names
Before we began to research the history of the men behind the names we had regard to the fact that when the Memorial was erected in 1920, the church outside of which it stood was not yet Portsmouth Cathedral. Until 1927 it was the Parish Church of St Thomas and the parish was little larger than the present area of Old Portsmouth. As there were other parishes bordering Old Portsmouth - St Jude's, St Paul's, St George's, St Michael's and St John's - and each of them would have had WW1 memorials it seemed likely that the names on each would be local to that church. We expected therefore to be identifying men whose families lived within a few hundred yards of St Thomas's Church.
Our first step was to check the names against the register on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website (, a process that enabled us to identify over half of the names immediately. Unfortunately the CWGC records, whilst listing all the men that died, were often very light on biographical detail, particularly their town of origin. This meant that, especially with fairly common names, we had no way of narrowing down to the correct man from a sometimes extensive list of men with the same name. Also, we had to quickly abandon the idea that all the men would be local. We were able to do this because copies of the Parish Magazine, seen at Portsmouth Record Office mentioned some of the men as having been, for example, choristers and we found these men in the CWGC records with addresses outside the parish limits. We were therefore obliged to widen the area from which the men may have come.
Another complication arose when we identified two men who were not listed as British Nationals. One was Canadian and the other a New Zealander. In both cases the men had parents living in Old Portsmouth and had almost certainly originated from the area but it meant we could not be quite so certain about the nationality of any of the men.
Once we had exhausted the information available from the CWGC we turned to other sources for evidence. Principal amongst these were The National Roll Vol. X (Portsmouth), "Portsmouth and the Great War" by William Gates, the websites and, the Electoral Roll, Rates Books, Kelly's Directories, Parish Magazines, the Evening News, the National Archives and the Census returns for 1861-1901. From all our sources we have been able to positively identify 78 names. Of the 7 left we have possibilities for two of them and no defining information at all for the remaining five.
The Men Named on the Memorial
No information available
Percy John Aspinall, Corporal, (129101), Royal Engineers.
Died: 26th June 1916. Buried: Aveluy Wood Cemetery, Mesnil-Martinsart, Somme.
Son of John and Lucy Aspinall of 94a Broad St., Old Portsmouth (1913).
Brother of FS and RC Aspinall.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
Frederick Stewart Aspinall, Private, (PO/12580), RMLI - HMS Black Prince.
Died: 31st May 1916 (aged 31yrs) at the Battle of Jutland.
Son of John and Lucy Aspinall of 94a Broad St., Old Portsmouth (1913).
Brother of PJ and RC Aspinall.
Named on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial & the Guildhall Cenotaph (his name actually appears twice, once under Army and once under Navy) & St Georges Church memorial.
Reginald Clarence Aspinall, Lance Corporal, (8952), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 7th November 1914 (aged 25yrs). He has no known grave.
Son of John and Lucy Aspinall of 94a Broad St., Old Portsmouth (1913)
Brother of PJ and FS Aspinall.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph, Ploegsteert Memorial & St Georges Church memorial.
Alexander George Bain, Private, (PO/7542), in the Royal Marine Light Infantry, HMS Bayano.
Died: 11th March 1915 (aged 36yrs) when HMS Bayano was torpedoed by U27 off Ireland. Buried at Ballyphillip Church of Ireland Graveyard.
Son of Alexander and Margaret (nee Healy) Bain
Husband of Priscilla (nee Westbrook) Bain
Father of Alexander George, born 19th August 1908
Grandfather of Pat Bennett of Ladywood House, Southsea
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
No information available
Norman David Bayley, 2nd Lt., 3rd Btn., Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died: 20th October 1918, (aged 20 yrs), buried at Christchurch, Portsdown.
Son of Alice and the late Major Abel Henry Bayley of 82, High St., Portsmouth
Thomas George Beech, Private, (29508), The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Died: 31st August 1918, (aged 34yrs), buried at the Bagneux British Cemetery, Gezaincourt
Son of Sarah and the late William Beech
Husband of Emily A. E. Beech, of 32, Highbury St., Portsmouth.
Albert James Bates, Company Sergeant Major (4053), 1st Battalion, The Rifle Brigade.
Died: 27th October 1919 (aged 43yrs), Buried Milton Cemetery, Portsmouth
Son of William James Bates
Husband of Maria Jane Bates (d.1960) of 23 Shakespeare Road, Buckland
Terence Anthony Chaworth Brabazon, Captain, Essex Regiment.
Died: 3rd August 1916 (aged 20 years). Buried: Wilton Cemetery, Wiltshire.
Son of Lt. Col. William B. Brabazon and Mrs. Mabel Brabazon. Lt. Col Brabazon was for a time Director of Ordnance at Gunwharf and during that time lived at Ordnance House, Ordnance Row, Portsea.
Mentioned on the Guildhall Cenotaph and the WW1 memorial at the King's School, Rochester.
Frank Seymour Bradshaw, Captain, Somerset Light Infantry.
Died: 19th December 1914 (aged 30yrs). Buried: Ploegsteert Wood Military Cemetery.
Son of Frank Boyd Bradshaw and Catherine Douglas Nunn who were married at St Judes Church, Southsea on February 26th, 1881.
Nephew of Captain A Bradshaw of Newell House, Grimston Avenue, Folkestone.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
Horace Robert Brown, Private (PO/1429(S), Royal Marine Light Infantry.
Died: 28th April 1917 (aged 25 years). He has no known grave.
Son of Alfred and Caroline Brown, of 20, Pembroke Rd., Portsmouth (The Pembroke Public House).
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & the Arras Memorial.
Thomas Joseph Burnett, Lance Serjeant, Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 10th August 1915 (aged 29 years). He has no known grave.
Son of John and Eliza Burnett, of 31, Diamond St., Southsea, Portsmouth who had previously lived at 4 Oyster Street, Old Portsmouth (1901 Census).
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & Helles Memorial.
Henry Clay, Gunner (814), Royal Garrison Artillery
Died: 13th June 1915 (aged 20 years). Buried: Kingston Cemetery, Portsmouth.
Son of Henry and Ellen Clay, of 11, Barrack St., Portsmouth.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph, the RGA Memorial in the Garrison Church and in the National Roll Vol. X (Portsmouth).
Frank Cottrell, Sapper (9457), 23rd Field Company, Royal Engineers.
Died: 25th September 1915 (aged 30). He has no known grave.
Son of Henry and Ann Cottrell, 3 East Street, Old Portsmouth (1901).
Also Named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & Loos Memorial.
Herbert William Couch, Engineer Lt. Commander R.N., HMS Good Hope
Died: 1st November 1914 (aged 34 years) at the Battle of Coronel. He has no known grave.
Son of Henry (or Herbert) and Alice Couch, Deptford (1901 Census)
Husband of Edith Cecile (nee King) of 125 High Street, Old Portsmouth
Also named on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial and the Guildhall Cenotaph.
Joseph Craven, Leading Stoker (170167) R.N., HMS Mohawk
Died on 26th November 1916 (aged 47yrs). Buried: Gillingham (Woodlands) Cemetery.
Husband of Sarah Craven, of 32, Hereford St., Landport, Portsmouth.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
Thomas James Currie, Able Seaman (223656) R.N., HMS Invincible.
Died: 31st May 1916 (aged 29 years) at the Battle of Jutland. He has no known grave.
Son of William and Lucy Currie, of 31, Britain St., Portsea
Husband of Blanche L. Currie, of 58, Adames Rd., Kingston, Portsmouth.
Father of Thomas (b. 1912), William (b. 1914) and Lucy (b. 1917).
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & Portsmouth Naval Memorial.
William Benjamin Dicks, Private (33184): Bedfordshire Regiment.
Died: 1st July 1918 (aged 20yrs). He has no known grave.
Son of the late Benjamin Henry and Henrietta Dicks.
Named on Guildhall Cenotaph (as BW Dicks) and Pozieres Memorial.
George Thomas Earl, Leading Seaman (173517) R.N. aboard HMS Shark
Died on 31st May 1916 (aged 42yrs) at the Battle of Jutland. He has no known grave.
Son of William and Alice Earl of Portsmouth
Husband of Annie Louisa Earl, of 40, Guildford Rd., Fratton, Portsmouth.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & Portsmouth Naval Memorial and is listed in the National Roll Vol X p292
Jack Forster, Bombadier (86423), Canadian Field Artillery.
Died: 27th September 1918 (aged 33yrs): Buried at Sains-Le-Marquions Cemetery, Pas de Calais.
Brother of Mrs Ada Mary Lawes of 11 Crown Court, Gunwharf Road, Old Portsmouth
Canadian National
William Stephen Francis, Lance Serjeant (14219), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 17the April 1916 (aged 25 years), Buried in Bethune Town Cemetery, Pas De Calais.
Son of William and Rhoda Francis of Gosport
Husband of Daisy Francis, of 41, High St., Gosport
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
John George Giles, Private (34225), the Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 16th August 1917. He has no known grave.
Son of William and Eliza Giles of 7 Oyster Street, Old Portsmouth
Husband of Margaret (nee Ward)
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & Tyne Cot Memorial.
Entry in The National Roll, (p87)
No Information Available
William Albert Gillingham M.M., Serjeant (7469), Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died: 20th April 1918 (aged 33yrs). Buried: Crucifix Corner Cemetery, Villers Bretonneux.
Son of Rebecca L. Gillingham, of 23, Lombard St., Old Portsmouth and the late Albert J. Gillingham.
Also named on the Guildhall
Listed in the National Roll for Portsmouth (p87)
Arthur Gillingham, Private (13997), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 3rd September 1916 (aged 28yrs). Buried: Ancre British Cemetery, Beaumont-Hamel.
Son of Rebecca L. Gillingham, of 23, Lombard St., Old Portsmouth and the late Albert J. Gillingham
Listed in the National Roll for Portsmouth (p87).
Angus George Gillman, Major, Royal Field Artillery.
Died: 29th April 1917 (aged 34). Buried: Ecoivres Military Cemetery, Mont-St Eloi.
Son of William and Maud Gillman, of 47 Clarence Parade, Southsea.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph and private memorials, including a reredos, lancet window and brass plaque in Portsmouth Cathedral.
Robert Lewis Gooch, Corporal (PLY/16852), Royal Marines Light Infantry.
Died: 25th August 1918 (aged 21yrs). Buried: Bucquoy Communal Cemetery, Pas De Calais.
Son of Nathan and Ellen Gooch, of Union Tavern, Point.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph
Charles George Hawkins, Petty Officer (192754),Royal Navy, HMS Queen Mary.
Died on 31st May 1916 (aged 38 years) at the Battle of Jutland. He has no known grave.
Husband of Elizabeth Hawkins, of 86 (or 69), Frederick St., Portsea, Portsmouth.
Listed in the National Roll (p102, as CJ Hawkins).
William Thomas Henwood, Rifleman (S/14313) in the Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own) 2nd Battalion.
Died: 5th May 1916 (aged 22 years). Buried: Becourt Military Cemetery, Becordel-Becourt.
Son of Mrs. E. A. Henwood, of 3, Frederick St., Portsea & the late Edward Henwood of 2 Oyster St., Old Portsmouth.
Also named on the Guildhall Centotaph.
James William Hudson, Private (20612), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 15th September 1916. He has no known grave.
Son of George and Hester Hudson of 10 Camber Alley, Old Portsmouth
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & the Thiepval Memorial.
Alfred James Huggett, Private (315044), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 3rd September 1916 (aged 35 years). He has no known grave.
Husband of Rose Ellen Huggett, of 5, Bateman's Alley, Portsea, Portsmouth.
Father of Alfred (b. 1914) and George (b. 1915).
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & Thiepval Memorial.
Listed in the National Roll for Portsmouth (page 113).
Henry Pembroke Innes, Private (290949), Devonshire Regiment.
Died: 27th May 1918 (aged 39 years). He has no known grave.
Son of James and Grace Innes of 41 High Street (The Dolphin Hotel), Portsmouth
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph & Soissons Memorial.
James, Blacksmith (Pensioner), (151358), Royal Navy, HMS Bayano.
Died: 11th March 1915 (aged 55yrs) He has no known grave.
Son of Rebecca Kanavan of Liverpool.
Husband of the late Fanny (nee Sinclair) Kanavan (m. 1902 St Thomas's)
Father of five children
Also named on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial
William Edward Kent, Lance Serjeant (12948), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 2nd November 1917 (aged 24 years), in Palestine. Buried: Gaza War Cemetery
Son of Thomas and Emma Kent
Husband of Mary Alice (nee Bennett)
Father of Frederick (b. 1912).
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
Charles Kitchingham, Private (36984), Wellington Regiment, N.Z.E.F.
Died: 11th July 1917 (aged 37 years). Buried: Motor Car Corner Cemetery, Hainaut, Belgium.
Son of William and Frances Kitchingham of Great Salterns (1901)
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
New Zealand Nationality
Thomas Henry Kitchingham, Private (PO/16658), Royal Marine Light Infantry, HMS Viknor.
Died: 13th January 1915 (aged 18yrs) at loss of HMS Viknor. He has no known grave.
Son of William and Annie Kitchingham, of Newcombe Road, Fratton (1901).
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph and the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.
Harold Charles Sidney Loader, Private (44190), Worcestershire Regiment.
Died: 5th May 1918 (aged 19 years). Buried: Belgian Battery Corner Cemetery, Ieper.
Son of the late William and the late Mary Loader (nee Colley), of Southfields, London.
Nephew of John Barron and Clara (nee Colley) of 3 Lombard Street.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
Frank Locke, Leading Stoker (K/4691) R.N., HMS Tipperary.
Died: 1st June 1916 (aged 41yrs) at the Battle of Jutland. He has no known grave.
(Possibly) son of Thomas and Mary Locke
Also named on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.
James Malley, Private (487) 17th Lancers (Duke of Cambridge's Own).
Died: 9th August 1918 (aged 33 years). Buried at the Mont Huon Military Cemetery, Le Treport.
Son of James and Martha Malley, of 13 (or 11) Warblington St. Old Portsmouth
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
Joseph Marks, Private (No. 5290), Devonshire Regiment.
Died: 18th December 1914, (aged 29). He has no known grave.
Born in Birr, Kings Co. Ireland, resident in Portsmouth
Named on Le Touret Memorial, Pas De Calais
George Samuel Matthews, Private (14047), Royal Fusiliers
Died: 19th September 1915 (aged 19). Buried: RE Farm Cemetery, Heuvelland, Belgium. Resident in Southsea, born in Alverstoke in 1896.
Stanley Meades, Able Seaman (180557), Royal Navy, HMS Princess Irene.
Died: 27th May 1915 (aged 36) at the explosion aboard HMS Princess Irene, off Sheerness. He has no known grave.
Son of William James and Martha Meades, of 11, Exmouth Rd., Southsea.
Named on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.
Arthur Louis Leopold Mear, Private (3/6347), Dorsetshire Regiment.
Died on 13th October1914. He has no known grave.
Son of William J and Alice Mear of 64, Timpson Rd. Landport
Also named on the Cenotaph and Le Touret Memorial and in the National Roll (p153).
William Woodfall Melville, Lieutenant, Kings Royal Rifle Corps
Died: 9th May 1915 (aged 38). Remembered on the Le Touret Memorial.
Son of the late Robert Melville and the late Mrs. Melville, of Hartfield Grove, Sussex; Husband of Violet S. Melville, of Maypool, Galmpton, Brixham, Devon.
No information available.
Frederick Lawrance Mitchell, Sergeant (No. 9354), Leinster Regiment.
Died: 20th November 1914, aged 21 years. Buried Strand Military Cemetery.
Son of Henry and Caroline (Carrie) Matilda Mitchell, of 128, High St.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
George Moore, Stoker 1st Class (K/20434), Royal Navy, HMS Invincible.
Died: 31st May 1916 at the Battle of Jutland. He has no known grave.
Son of Alfred and Catherine Moore, of 24, Lombard St., Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph & Portsmouth Naval Memorial. He is listed in The National Roll (page 159).
Henry Charles Moore, Private (281485), 1/6th Hampshire Regiment.
Died on 27th December 1918. Buried: Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery.
Son of George and Ellen (nee Knighton) of 12 Lombard Street, Portsmouth
Also named on the Cenotaph and in the National Roll.
Arthur William Morey, Rifleman (No. 6475), London Regiment (City of London Rifles). Died: 8th October 1916 (aged 20 years). He has no known grave.
Son of Albert Thomas and Kathleen Eliza Morey, of 26 Bailey Rd., Southsea.
Also named on the Cenotaph & Thiepval Memorial.
Frank Mitchelmore Aldridge Nelder, Lance Corporal (15395), The King's (Liverpool Regiment). Died: 11th February 1919 (aged 34 years). Buried: Liverpool (Anfield) Cemetery
Son of George and Jane Nelder, of Portsmouth;
Husband of Gertrude Nelder, of Stanley Park Avenue, Liverpool.
Also listed on the Cenotaph, and the Portsmouth and Southern Grammar School WW1 Memorials.
Gordon Clarke Aldridge Nelder, 2nd Lt. Hampshire Regiment.
Died 6th August 1915 (aged 25 years). He has no known grave.
Son of George and Jane Nelder, of Portsmouth
Also named on the Cenotaph, the Portsmouth Grammar School WW1 Memorial, the Helles Memorial & in Corpus Christi Church.
Albert Thomas North, Private (47900), Wiltshire Regiment.
Died: 19th October 1918 (aged 35 years). Buried: St Aubert British Cemetery.
Son of Albert and Maria North, 10 Oyster St., Old Portsmouth.
Husband of Elizabeth (nee Foster), of 44, Bishop St., Portsea
Also named on the Cenotaph and in the National Roll.
Alfred John Pannell, Sapper (222960), Royal Engineers.
Died: 21st March 1918 (aged 38 years). He has no known grave.
Son of Thomas and Martha Pannell.
Husband of Maria Parmell, of 14, Gunwharf Rd., Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph & Arras Memorial
No information available.
Albert John Petracca, Serjeant (T/16178), Army Service Corps.
Died: 1st March 1917 (aged 34 or 36 years). Buried: Ryde Borough Cemetery
Son of Antonio and Josephine Petracca of 17 Broad St. Portsmouth
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
William Henry Pickets. Private (21063), Royal Fusiliers.
Died: 1st March 1917 (aged 26 years). Buried: Avesnes-le-Comte Communal Cemetery.
Son of Frederick and Ellen Pickets of 11 Penny Street, Old Portsmouth.
Husband of Alice (nee Creamer)
Also named on the Cenotaph.
George Powell, Private (44295), the Worcestershire Regiment.
Died: 29th September 1918. Buried: Pigeon Ravine Cemetery, Epehy.
Son of Daniel and Lucy Powell
Husband of Henrietta Mary (nee Page) of 1a Penny Street, Old Portsmouth.
Also named on the Guildhall Cenotaph.
William Frederick Reynolds, Corporal (28703), Royal Garrison Artillery.
Died: 1st October 1917 (aged 34 years). Buried: Bleuet Farm Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium.
Husband of Priscilla Reynolds, of 29, St. Thomas's St., Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph and in the National Roll (p355)
George Charles Richards, Able Seaman (229696), RN, HMS Bulwark.
Died: 26th November 1914 (aged 27 years) when HMS Bulwark exploded at Sheerness.
He has no known grave.
Son of Henry Weston Richards and Emma J. S. Richards, of 72, Folkestone Rd., Copnor, Portsmouth;
Husband of Ellen Richards
Also named on the Cenotaph & Portsmouth Naval Memorial
Albert Edward Roles, Private (15471), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 16th September 1917 (Aged 24 years). Buried: Voormezeele Enclosures, Ieper, Belgium.
Son of James and Annie Roles.
Also named on the Cenotaph and in the National Roll.
William Henry Roy, Chief Yeoman of Signals (185294), Royal Navy, HMS Chester.
Died: 31st May 1916 (aged 38 years). Battle of Jutland. He has no known grave.
Son of William and Georgina Roy of Clerkenwell, London
Husband of Eleanor C. Roy of 53, Bramshott Rd., Southsea
Also named on the Cenotaph, Portsmouth Naval Memorial & Chester Cathedral.
Charles Edward Sawyer, Trimmer, (6827TS), R.N. Reserve, H.M. Trawler 'James Seckar'
Died: 25th September 1917 (aged 36 years). He has no known grave.
Son of William and Hannah Sawyer, of 19 Lombard Street, Old Portsmouth (1901)
Also named on the Cenotaph & Portsmouth Naval Memorial.
Robert Shepherd, Private (7921), 2nd Bn. Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 7th June 1915 (aged 25 years). Buried: Lancashire Landing Cemetery in Turkey
Son of Henry and the late Anne Shepherd, of 14, St. Paul's Square, Southsea
Also named on the Cenotaph.
Robert Cunynghame Slade-Baker, Lieutenant, Royal Berkshire Regiment.
Died: 19th August 1917 Buried at Beuvry Communal Cemetery Extension, Pas De Calais.
Son of Brig. Gen. Arthur Slade Baker (Officer commanding the Gunwharf 1914-15) and his (invalid) American wife Caroline Fisher, of Peans Wood, Robertsbridge, Sussex.
Also named on the WW1 Memorial outside St Judes Church on Kent Road, Southsea.
Walter John Thomas Sperring, Private (13922), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 9th August 1916 (aged 21 years). Buried: Potijze Chateau Wood Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium.
Son of Walter J. T. and Mary J. Sperring, of 10, East St., Point, Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
William Edward Stone, Private (29751), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 21st October 1917 (aged 23 years). Buried: Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Poperinge, Belgium.
Son of Mrs. G. Stone, of 3, Hampton Court, St. Thomas's St., Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
James Frederick Sutcliffe, Lieutenant, Royal Marine Light Infantry (Portsmouth Bn.)
Died: 14th July 1915
Son of James and Alice Sutcliffe of Alverstoke.
Chorister at St Thomas's Church.
Also named on the Helles Memorial, Turkey.
Vincent Archibald Sykes, Gunner (Whlr.), (9850), 1st (Hong Kong and Singapore) Mountain Bty, Royal Garrison Artillery.
Died: 20th May 1917 (aged 35 years). Buried: Kantara War Memorial Cemetery (Egypt).
Son of Alan Sykes.
Lived at 1 Lombard Street, Old Portsmouth in 1913.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
John James Tait, Private (34572), Bedfordshire Regiment
Died: 15th October 1917 (aged 33 years). Buried: Highland Road Cemetery, Portsmouth.
Son of Edward Tait of 80 Highbury Street, Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph and in the National Roll
Alfred E Tilley, Serjeant (74125), Royal Field Artillery.
Died: 11th November 1918 (aged 31 years). Buried: St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen.
Son of (the late) Thomas Edward and Fanny Tilley of 10 Highbury Street, Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
Henry James Trueman, Leading Seaman (219697), Royal Navy, HMS Broke.
Died: 31st May 1916 (aged 29 years) at the Battle of Jutland. He has no known grave.
Son of James Henry and Fanny E. Trueman, of Portsmouth
Husband of Mary A. S. Trueman (nee Plaskett ), of 72, Clive Rd., Fratton, Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph & Portsmouth Naval Memorial.
Robert Henry Turner, Lieutenant, Lincolnshire Regiment
Died: 23rd March 1918 (aged 21 years). Buried: Dernancourt Communal Cemetery, the Somme.
Son of Robert Henry Turner, M.A., Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O., and Elizabeth Adriana Cornelia Turner, of 69, Victoria Rd. North, Southsea
Also named on the Cenotaph and on the Southern Grammar School Memorial.
David Underdown, Private (41362), Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
Died: 14th July 1917 (aged 28 years). Buried: Talana Farm Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium.
Son of Henry and Caroline Underdown of 44 East St., Old Portsmouth.
Husband of Nellie Esther (nee Webb) of 18 White Hart Road, Portsmouth
Father of Nellie (b. 1910), Albert (b. 1911), Hilda (b. 1914) and David (b. 1916).
Also named on the Cenotaph and on the All Saints WW1 Memorial.
James John Victor Waldron, Private (41755), Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
Died: 10th August 1917 (aged 19 years). Buried: Brandhoek New Military Cemetery, Ieper, Belgium.
Son of Samuel and Ellen Waldron, of 91 St Thomas's St., Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
James John Welch, Colour Serjeant (PO/12543), Royal Marine Light Infantry (Portsmouth Divn.)
Died: 28th July 1915 (aged 27 years). Buried: Alexandria (Chatby) Military Cemetery.
Son of Kate Welch, of 19, Carlyle Rd., Gosport, and the late William Welch.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
Former Chorister at St Thomas's Church.
John Leslie Wellesley-Miller, 2nd Lt. The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)
Died: 15th September 1916 (aged 18 years). Buried: Guillemont Road Cemetery, Guillemont.
Son of Edith Wellesley-Miller, of "Hadley Dene," 24, Bedfordwell Rd., Eastbourne, and the late A. Wellesley-Miller. Formerly living at Gladstone House, Clarence Parade, Southsea.
James Main Whettem, Rifleman (552199), London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles)
Died: 8th December 1917 (aged 36 years). Buried: Jerusalem War Cemetery
Son of John and Mary Whettem, of 82, St. Thomas St., Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
Anthony Thomas H Whymark, Sapper (No. 490382), Royal Engineers.
Died: 17th August 1917 (aged 31 years). Buried in Brandhock New Military Cemetery No.3, Ieper, Belgium
Son of Alfred and Mary Whymark of 5 Oyster St. (Globe Inn), Old Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
Frederick William Woods, Lieutenant, Dorsetshire Regiment.
Died: 28th August 1918 (aged 37 years). Buried: Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers.
Son of Henry and Rosina Maria Woods, formerly of 24 Lombard St., Old Portsmouth.
Husband of E.A.Wood, Stoner, Milton Rd., Portsmouth
Also named on the Cenotaph.
Robert Theodore Morrison Wyllie, Private (2168), London Regiment (London Scottish). Died: 1st November 1914 (aged 26 years). He has no known grave.
Son of William Lionel Wyllie (artist) and Marion Amy Wyllie, of Tower House, Portsmouth.
There is a memorial to him in Portsmouth Cathedral & he is listed on the Menin Gate.
William Thomas Wyllie, Captain, Durham Light Infantry.
Died: 19th July 1916 (aged 34 years). Buried: Dantzig Alley British Cemetery.
Son of William Lionel Wyllie (artist) and Marion Amy Wyllie, of Tower House, Portsmouth.
Husband of Mary Wyllie, of "Montauban," Purbrook Park, Hants.
There is a memorial to him in Portsmouth Cathedral
Alfred Edgar Young, Private (19216), Hampshire Regiment.
Died: 24th April 1918 (aged 34 years). Buried: Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, Pas De Calais.
Son of James and Mary Young, of 34 White Hart Road, Old Portsmouth.
Husband of Elizabeth Young, of 12, Bramble Rd., Southsea.
Also named on the Cenotaph and in the National Roll.
V. BARRY (Originally named on the Memorial)
Victor Barry, Sergeant (3/4647), Hampshire Regiment
Died: 25th September 1915 (aged 44 years). Buried: Embarkation Pier Cemetery, Turkey.
Son of the late James Barry and Augusta Barry, 1 Penny Street, Portsmouth.
Also named on the Cenotaph.
A.J. BEVIS (Originally named on the Memorial)
Albert John Bevis, Gunner (13514), Royal Marine Artillery, HMS King George.
Died: 1st January 1919 (aged 23 years). Buried: Highland Road Cemetery, Portsmouth.
Son of Albert and Ellen Bevis;
Husband of Mary Ann Patience Bevis, of 111A St. Thomas's St., Portsmouth
Also named on the Cenotaph.
Probably the son of a churchwarden at St. Thomas's.
Further Notes
The biographical details above have been extracted from the extensive research carried out during this project. We have made our research details available as downloads in two forms. The first just gives an extended summary of research under each name and the second comprises the bulk of the research including over 100 e-mails.
DOWNLOAD the Extended Summary (Word doc. - 12 pages, 119kb)
DOWNLOAD the Full Research Notes (Word doc. - 93 pages, 573kb)
Tim Backhouse
Cynthia Sherwood
September 2007.